10:00 AM10:00

Private Tour VB Art Mu

After 150 Yale Club members and guests cheered on the Yale Whiffenpoofs Saturday night, the  club wraps up the season with a special tour of “Monet to Matisse”at the VB Museum of Art. This limited event takes place from 10:00 to 12:00 on 

Thursday April 3.

    Our visit will include a customized tour of the current exhibit of French impressionists, as well as a behind the scenes briefing about plans for the NEW MUSEUM , at a higher, more weather resilient elevation, and a preview of future exhibitions.

A casual lunch opportunity to follow.

Space is limited, so reserve your tickets now with an email to Yaleclubtc@gmail.com and mail your check for $30 per person to Yale Club of the Treasure Coast, P O Box 643176, Vero Beach, FL 32964.


Mark Hinkley,  Club Secretary

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What's Ahead
5:00 PM17:00

What's Ahead

MARCH 8. the Yale Whiffenpoofs WILL PERFORM FOR US IN CONCERT. 5:00 to 6:30pm at Johns Island. space is limited.

Tickets $50 per person for concert & light refreshments. rsvp to yaleclubtc@ gmail.com checks to po box 643176, vero beach, fl 32964.

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Creating our Climate Future - Talk by Prof David Hawkins
12:00 PM12:00

Creating our Climate Future - Talk by Prof David Hawkins

Attention YALIES!

Luncheon and talk: “Creating our Environmental Future in Trump Era”
12 Noon
Bent Pine Golf Club
$40 pp

    You won’t want to miss the upcoming talk by David Hawkins. David is a lecturer at Yale Law School and Director of Climate programs at the Natural Resources Defense Council. He has devoted his whole professional life to preserving our climate.
    This topic couldn’t be more timely for those who value clean air, water, and energy, and see the political chaos that threatens them.

    Reserve your place at the table today, and I look forward to seeing you on the 20th.

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Prof. Paul Bracken - New Technology and National Security
12:00 PM12:00

Prof. Paul Bracken - New Technology and National Security

How are cutting-edge new technologies influencing the complex defense and intelligence policy decisions that America is facing in the next administration? What are we learning from the way some of these technologies are being used in the current wars in Ukraine and the Middle East? Join your fellow Yalies and their guests for a lively talk by Paul Bracken, professor emeritus of management and political science at Yale. In his presentation, Professor Bracken will take us behind the scenes for a look at how the United States and its adversaries, particularly China, are looking to embrace new technologies reflected in artificial intelligence, hypersonic missiles, drones, space weapons, and the next generation of nuclear weapons.

 Professor Bracken is the author of The Command and Control of Nuclear Forces (1983); Fire in the East: The Rise of Asian Military Power and the Second Nuclear Age (1999); The Second Nuclear Age: Strategy, Danger, and the New Power Politics (2013); and new book currently being written for Yale University Press on AI and nuclear weapons. He served for 20 years on the Chief of Naval Operations’ Executive Panel, has been a visiting scholar at the CIA, and is listed in Princeton Review’s “Best 300 Professors in the U.S.” He continues to teach in the Yale School of Management’s executive education program, and is a fellow of Silliman College.


Bent Pine Golf Club

$40 per person : Cash Bar

RSVP to YaleClubTC@gmail.com

Mail or bring check in hand, made payable to Yale Club of the Treasure Coast

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Meet Today's Yalies!
6:00 PM18:00

Meet Today's Yalies!

Meet today's Yalies! Local students, who are home on winter break, will paint a picture of life in New Haven today. Hear their aspirations and concerns. Ask them your questions. Meet them and their parents over dinner, followed by an open discussion.

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Professor Craig Wright "Genius"
5:30 PM17:30

Professor Craig Wright "Genius"

Professor Craig Wright taught Yalies how to listen, much like Vincent Scully taught them how to look. 

Chair of Yale’s Music Department, his course appreciated the musical genius of Beethoven, Mozart and the other masters who disciplined sound into art. 

Repeatedly delving into the accomplishments of extraordinary composers and musical artists familiarized the professor with the characteristics of genius. Now expert, he has written several books on the very nature of genius and it’s management.

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"Yale's backstage tour at the Riverside Theatre"
12:00 PM12:00

"Yale's backstage tour at the Riverside Theatre"

Recognizing the Yale School of Drama as one of the nation’s pre-eminent forces in professional theater,  the Club arranged guided tours of the Riverside Theatre complex. The Riverside is the largest professional theater company in the state of Florida and has for 37 years done the extraordinary magic of bringing Broadway quality performances at Main Street prices to audiences from throughout south Florida. Auditions for each play take place in New York City and attract the best talent in the country, usually for a month’s rehearsals and a four to five week run.

Allen Cornell, CEO and Producing Artistic Director spoke over lunch in the atrium,

then ably fielded lively questions regarding play selection, small stage productions, and performer housing from Yalies and Harvard guests. Small group backstage tours of “Lost in Yonkers” wrapped up the visit.

Backstage tour for Yale at the Riverside Theatre during the run of “Lost in Yonkers”. Lunch at noon with Allen Cornell, producing Artistic Director/CEO.

Catered by Elizabeth Kennedy.

Yale Members: 50.00 Guest: 60.00

Once you have added all your items to the cart, go to the cart button in the upper right corner of this page to check out.

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"The Super Secret National Security Agency: What Does it Do?"
5:30 PM17:30

"The Super Secret National Security Agency: What Does it Do?"

Spend an evening with Dr. Clinton Brooks, Y '60, M.S. Astronomy Y'62, PhD Y'68 in Radio Astronomy.  A career national intelligence professional, Dr. Brooks worked with the Navy, the Apollo Program, and the NSA developing some of the world's most sophisticated communications systems.

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Discussion: Life at Yale Today
5:30 PM17:30

Discussion: Life at Yale Today

Treasure Coast Yale students Jaeger Johnson, Katherine Peters and Kishore Chundi joined over 40 Yale alumni and guests at the home of Barry and Annie Sullivan to share their thoughts about life at the University today: the courses they like, the professors they admire, the residential college system in operation, how they stay informed of current affairs, what they question, and the issues important to them as our successors at Yale.

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A Conversation with John Pepper Y’60
5:30 PM17:30

A Conversation with John Pepper Y’60

  • Sea Oaks Beach & Tennis Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a conversation with John Pepper Y’60, former Chairman & CEO of Proctor & Gamble, former Chairman of Walt Disney Company, and honorary Co-chair of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati. Ohio. Mr. Pepper has served as a Fellow of the Yale Corporation and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Yale School of Management. Social time with serious hours d’oeuvres to follow. A brief annual meeting included.

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